Women School of Leadership

The launch of Fairtrade Africa’s new Women School of Leadership next 12 May 2017 in Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire will be based on a year-long training, broken down into 10 modules aimed at supporting marginalised women farmers and the next generation of farmers to attain power and agency.
The courses that will be covered in the module include:
• Human Rights and Women’s Human Rights
• Fairtrade Standards and Gender Strategy
• Developing Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem and Resilience
• Group Cohesion and Principles of Cooperation
• Women and Leadership
• Women and the Economy
• Women Understanding Money
• Income Diversification and Project Management
• Strategic Negotiation and Influencing
• Masculinity and Gender Equality

The aim is to strengthening their:
1. Human capital (e.g. knowledge and skills, Leadership skills, influencing and advocacy skills, business skills)
2. Social capital (e.g. groups, networks, alliances, partnerships and mentorship programs)
3. Financial capital (e.g. diversified financial base, access to loans, own savings)
4. Physical capital and access to sustainable resources (e.g. Individual and community assets, land, water, energy, forests, productive tools).