European Parliament agrees on game-changing rules to drive down deforestation while ensuring a just transition for smallholders
On the 13.09.2022, the European Parliament has adopted with a large majority its negotiating position on the proposal for an EU Regulation on deforestation free products. Following in the footsteps of the report adopted by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, the Members of the European Parliament have agreed on a position that goes well beyond the level of ambition of the Council’s general approach adopted in June 2022.
“For it to deliver on its promises, the Regulation must take account of the characteristics of smallholder intensive sectors, and hereby recognize the rights and roles of smallholders and local communities as a vital part of the systemic solution to effectively reduce global deforestation rates. Today, the European Parliament has made an important step in that direction” stated Charlotte Vernier, Policy and project officer, FTAO lead on deforestation.
Read our full statement here
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