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Fair Trade Public Policies Around the World
Public policies on Fair Trade have a lot of potential to enhance the uptake of Fair Trade. There is currently no systemically consolidated information on supportive Fair Trade public policies. Aiming to bridge this gap, the following study makes the first step towards a comprehensive overview of current and past public policies on Fair Trade and related policy fields.
In this context, Fairtrade International and the Fair Trade Advocacy Office joined forces to commission a study on “Fair Trade Public Policies around the world”, authored by Veselina Vasileva and Didier Reynaud as independent researchers. The study proposes a classification on type of public policies that governments can put in place and includes six in-depht case studies.
Download the report below:
The study is the object of a series of webinars that allow the viewers to dive deeper in the understanding of public policies in different regions of the world. Follow the links below to watch recording of previous sessions and read related materials.
Read more on the case of Ecuador here
Watch again the webinar:
November 2021, presentation of the report – online – co-hosted with Commerce Equitable France
Presentation of the report during the Fair Trade Towns Conference in India – 22-07-22
The Brazilian Fair and Solidarity Economy experience is unique. Since 2000, in public policies, Fair Trade expanded very strongly. It is no longer the case in Brazil but still has one of the most interesting Fair Trade chapters in history. We will discuss the strengths and the weaknesses of the Brazilian case and the institutionalization of FT at a national level. It can be helpful for other countries to learn from this experience.
The webinar took place on the 31th of August at 4pm (CET Brussels).
Presentation of the report and workshop on the Future of Fair Trade Advocacy with Leida Rijnhout Chief Executive WFTO.
Last updated: 2/08/2022