FTAO´s input into upcoming EU trade policy strategy

On the framework of the upcoming EU Trade & Investment Strategy (expected for October 2015), the Fair Trade movement calls on the European Commission (EC) to use the new strategy to unlock the power of producers and farmers, companies, local authorities, and consumers by announcing coordinated initiatives to help them get engaged in Fair Trade.

About this topic the Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) drafted the position paper “An innovative EU approach in support of Fair Trade practices in the new EU Trade & Investment Strategy” in consultation with the Campaign Team “European Strategy for Fair Trade” and with the input of two external academics. The specific purpose of this document is to share the Fair Trade movement´s views and suggestions on these new specific aspects of the strategy.

FTAO position paper


The EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom is expected to give a reaction to the Fair Trade movement demands at the upcoming European Parliament Fair Trade breakfast, which will take place in the morning of 14 October, which is the same day that, according to the current EC plans, the new EU trade and investment strategy will be made public.

The FTAO and, more generally, the two global Fair Trade networks that it represents (Fairtrade International and the World Fair Trade Organization -Global and Europe-) stand ready to work together with the EU’s institutions in the implementation of a new approach in support of Fair Trade practices in the new EU Trade & Investment Strategy.

For more information, please contact Sergi Corbalán.