Press Releases 2017

Over 250 non-government organisations launch alternative vision for Europe

More than 250 non-government organisations from across Europe have today released an alternative vision for a more democratic, just and sustainable Europe. [1]
Intended to influence the debate on the future direction of Europe, this alternative vision is endorsed by organisations representing a multitude of public interest issues, including labour rights, culture, development, environment, health, women’s rights, youth, and anti-discrimination groups.

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IFOAM EU: Organic regulation negotiations, time for a change

Brussels, 8 June 2017 – Ahead of the upcoming orientation debate at the Council of Agriculture Ministers of 12 June, the Organic and Fair Trade movements and Organic Certifiers reiterate the importance of evaluating whether the text currently on the negotiation table provides real added value to the existing legal framework, or whether alternative approaches need to be envisaged.

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