Call for papers for an academic conference on EU Competition Law & Sustainability

A one-day academic conference on EU Competition Law & Sustainability will take place at Science Po in Paris on the 26th of June 2019.

In the context of a global system of production that is increasingly interconnected and exponentially exercising pressure on the planet and people’s lives, this conference is inspired by the desire to imagine a system of competition law (or beyond competition law) that is fully embedded in the double limit of the planetary boundaries and of social considerations, inspired by Kate Raworth’s ‘Doughnut Economics’ and elaborated by Tomaso Ferrando & Claudio Lombardi in ‘EU Competition Law and Sustainability in Food Systems: Addressing the Broken Links’.

To achieve this goal, the organizing partners aim to bring together young academics challenging the status quo with more experienced experts in the areas of competition law and ecological sustainability to rethink competition law and discuss new ways of regulation, interactions between markets, regulators and society and legal enforcement that take into account social and environmental externalities.

Here you will find the call for papers. Submissions are particularly encouraged from graduate students (Masters and PhD) and early-career researchers (up to four years into tenure track) in law, economics, and all other social sciences.

Please do not hesitate to share the information with your networks or academics who might be interested.