Global Green Deal
Towards a Global Green Deal – advancing Fair Trade to promote a global transformative agenda
FTAO, in partnership with SOLIDAR, Fairtrade International and the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), has prepared a concrete set of policy proposals to transform the European Green Deal into a Global Green Deal. The proposals are outlined in the Call To Action to a Global Green Deal. They cover five main policy headings:
- Boosting access to high-quality, affordable and long-term financing
- A binding Just Transition strategy
- A policy coherence for sustainable development with a continued reform of the EU Trade policy and a major political focus on reducing the spillover effects
- Mainstreaming Fair Trade (FT) practices and Fair Trade Enterprises to equalise benefits throughout international supply chains
- Turning the Green Deal into a driver of change of the EU economic model
We are committed to making a combination of collective and individual efforts to promote the above policy measures at EU decision-making level. We will multiply exchanges with EU decision-makers until the EU election and beyond. We will also invite like-minded organisations to join us in an open and transparent conversation on the next steps of the GGD development. Those organisations keen to contribute to the development of the Global Green Deal can express their interest to
On 19 June 2023, first day of the 2023 Fair Trade International Symposium, the Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) made public its plea for transforming the existing European Green Deal (EGD) into a Global Green Deal. While the EGD was initially received as a groundbreaking policy framework, it is necessary to include the views and potential negative impact for the Global South and create a collective international endeavour towards global sustainability. There are too many negative social and environmental externalities – spillovers – towards the Global South that prevent the EGD to be recognised as a legitimate EU Sustainable Development Agenda. There should be an equal footing in terms of adequate policies, objectives, rights and responsibilities between European and non-European countries, hence the proposed new approach towards a Global Green Deal to intertwine the global dimension with the current European policies.
The Fair Trade Advocacy Office is deeply convinced that mainstreaming Fair Trade approaches and FT enterprises in the Global Green Deal can lead to multiple benefits and facilitate the achievement of the 2030 SD Agenda. The FTAO has developed its proposal for a Global Green Deal in partnership with FI and the WFTO and will endeavor to promote the value added of the Global Green Deal in various ways until a new European Commission comes into office at the end of 2024.
Read here the Fair Trade Movement’s proposal for a Global Green Deal
For any inquiries, please contact Eric Ponthieu at