Publications & Statements


OPEN LETTER to EU Decision-makers on the EU contribution to the COP29 and the advent of a Global Green Deal, July 2024

Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement with Smallholder Farmers in Due Diligence Processes of Companies, July 2024

Avoiding Negative Impacts of the new EU Organic Regulation: A just transition for Fair Trade organic producers to access the European Market, June 2024

Supporting the implementation of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive in global supply chains involving smallholders and their communities, May 2024

The CSDDD provides a historical opportunity for European farmers, March 2024


Fair Trade Movement Press Release on the publication of the Draft Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence


FTAO and Fairtrade International report: Public Policies on Fair Trade, December 2021


Getting the most out of public money in support of Europe’s recovery Joint statement on the European Council Conclusions on public procurement of 25 November 2020

Joint report: Circle Economy, European Environmental Bureau and the FTAO: Avoiding Blind Spots: Promoting Circular & Fair Business Models, December 2020

FTAO, Concord Europe and Cooperatives Europe report: Mind Our Business: Amplify the transformative power of sustainable and inclusive business models through EU external action, December 2020

Joint Statement: Build Back Fairer, September 2020

Joint NGO discussion paper: Key Elements for an Agreement Between the EU and Cocoa-Producing Countries, to Ensure Sustainability in the Cocoa Sector, September 2020

FTAO position paper: EU Competition Law and Cooperation Agreements for Sustainability, June 2020

FTAO and University of Greenwich Report: Making human rights due diligence frameworks work for small farmers and workers, June 2020

Civil Society European Strategy for Sustainable Textiles, April 2020 

Joint Fair Trade movement statement to G-20 leaders: Covid-19 Pandemic, April 2020

Joint Statement: ISEAL, the Rainforest Alliance, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Fairtrade International and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO): The EU, Sustainable Supply Chains and Voluntary Standards Systems 


FTAO Report – From local to EU level: Scaling Up Fair Trade in Europe, March 2019

FTAO Report: EU Competition Law and Sustainability – Addressing the Broken Links, February 2019

Fairtrade Foundation Report – Craving a Change in Chocolate, February 2019

WFTO Report – Gender Equity and Women’s Rights in the workplace, March 2019

WFTO Report – Business models that Empower Women, March 2019

FTAO and FERN Report – Towards sustainable cocoa supply chains: Regulatory options for the EU, June 2019

FTAO Blog on the 1st anniversary of the International Fair Trade Charter: Sustainable Production and Consumption Policies: Fair Enough?, September 2019


The International Fair Trade Charter, September 2018 (Available in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Portuguese and Polish)


Trade Justice, A key component of building smallholder farmers’ climate resilience- Policy Statement of the Global Fair Trade Movement to COP 24


FTAO report on Power in the West African cotton sector, March 2016

Competition Law and Sustainability in the Netherlands, FTAO, June 2016

FTAO toolkit – Localising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Fair Trade, October 2016


FTAO position paper on Fair Trade movement’s position on sustainable supply chains initiatives, April 2015

FTAO position paper on an innovative EU approach in support of Fair Trade practices in the new EU Trade Investment Strategy, July 2015

FTAO Statement – The New Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Fair Trade – Our Preliminary Analysis, September 2015

BASIC Report Banana value chains in Europe and the consequences of Unfair Trading Practices, October 2015

BASIC EU policy briefing on Unfair Trading Practices in Food Supply Chains Make Fruit Fair, November 2015


Who’s got the power? Tackling imbalances in agricultural supply chains – Abstract (English, German, SpanishPolish)

Who’s got the power? Tackling imbalances in agricultural supply chains – Full Report (English, French, German)

(Commissioned by FTAO, PFCE (la Plate-Forme pour le Commerce Équitable), Traidcraft, Fairtrade Deutschland. In partnership with WFTO and Fairtrade International)

FTAO EU Policy Briefing: What the EU should do against unfair trading practices

A video explaining the report is also available here.


FTAO Position Paper on Post-2015 Development Agenda Fair Trade Movement’s position, April 2013

FTAO Position Paper on EU Green Paper on Unfair Trading Practices (UTP) in Retail Supply Chains, April 2013

FTAO Position Paper on EU Sustainable Food strategy, Fair Trade movement contribution, December 2013


FTAO Briefing Note to the Members of the EP on the Sugar reform in CAP post 2013 and impacts on marginalised producers and workers in ACP/LDC countries, 16 April 2012

FTAO Submission to the EC on Post-2015 Consultations, 14 September 2012

FTAO Submission to the Local Authorities in Development Issue Paper Consultation, 15 November 2012


FTAO submission to the EC Green Paper on Development Policy, 17 January 2011

FTAO briefing note to the Members of the EP on the new EU Trade and Development Strategy, October 2011

FTAO submission to the EC EU Public Procurement Reciprocity Initiative consultation, 1 August 2011