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Joint letter: ADP countries must support a smallholder-inclusive implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation

58 civil society organisations call upon the incoming Belgian Presidency to ensure a smallholder-inclusive implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation
30 May 2023

The adoption of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) is a major milestone showing the commitment of the European Union to contribute to reducing global deforestation. NGOs have repeatedly indicated the regulation can only be truly effective and achieve its objective, if it is smallholder-inclusive. Now the text is finalized and adopted, effective implementation and enforcement are essential to achieve positive change on the ground and tackle deforestation worldwide.

The annual conference of the Amsterdam Declarations Partnership (ADP), held in London on 10 May 2023, highlighted the urgency to ensure smallholders are included in the fight against deforestation. We commend this interest and focus, however, we still miss the level of action needed to ensure they are effectively supported, in a coordinated way. We believe that the ADP is a key initiative to make it happen. For this reason, we call upon the incoming Belgian Presidency to consider steering urgently the following actions through the partnership:

  1. Immediately assess the EUDR impacts on smallholders and their needs for compliance
  2. Urgently and significantly scale up support measures empowering smallholders and forest
  3. communities, especially women, enabling them adequate market access based on fairness and equity
  4. Start engaging with all relevant producer countries based on a strategic framework
    Enable producers, in particular smallholders and forest communities, to earn a living income

Read the full letter in the attachment.

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