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Revision of the EU's Directive on Unfair Trading Practices

Revision of the EU's Directive on Unfair Trading Practices
Building on our advocacy for the creation of the European Directive on Unfair Trading Practices in the food chain, the FTAO is now focused on ensuring that its revision addresses key shortcomings, working to eliminate unfair practices from the EU trading system.

Unfair Trading Practices (UTPs) both reflect and reinforce the imbalance of power in supply chains. In 2019, the EU introduced legislation to prohibit certain UTPs in the agri-food sector. While this was welcomed by farmers and civil society as a key milestone and a best practice to be replicated, its impact on the livelihoods of global suppliers remains unclear.

This project leverages the evaluation of the EU Directive on Unfair Trading Practices (UTP Directive) to urge EU policymakers to address ongoing abusive practices that remain widespread but are not yet prohibited under the Directive (e.g., purchasing below the cost of production) and encourage the European Commission and EU Member States to improve the Directive’s implementation, ensuring that non-EU suppliers can also benefit from its protections.

  • Donor: Humanity United Action.
  • Project implementation: 2024-2026.

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