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Just transition in the textile sector

Just transition in the textile sector
This initiative strengthens the FTAO’s advocacy in the textile industry, fostering international collaboration, knowledge co-creation, and a more resilient global network.

In part thanks to advocacy efforts in the past – also by the FTAO – the EU has over the last few years made significant policy advancements to improve the environmental and social conditions of the fashion supply chain. This includes the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR).  While these policy advancements present clear opportunities for smallholders, workers, manufacturers and businesses in the global industry, it is important that their voices are heard in the process of policymaking and the implementation of policies. This is currently not always the case.

In this initiative, the Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) focuses on lifting the voices of global value chain actors, particularly those most marginalised that are affected by EU policymaking. With the support of the Laudes Foundation, the FTAO can strengthen its capacity to better act as a bridge between the smallholders, workers, manufacturers and businesses in our networks, while further strengthening our current partnerships and alliances. By amplifying these voices into our work on trade structures and corporate accountability, the FTAO aims to contribute to a fair, inclusive, and climate-positive transition in the textile sector. With growing political momentum, this project seizes the opportunity to push for meaningful change in EU textile policies and beyond. 

  • Donor: Laudes Foundation.
  • Project implementation: 2024-2028. 

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