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EU Textile Strategy: Civil Society’s demands to MEPs

EU Textile Strategy: Civil Society’s demands to MEPs
FTAO, alongside six civil society organisations, has outlined 12 key actions needed to achieve a truly sustainable textile sector, from tackling overproduction and unfair purchasing practices to enforcing due diligence and ending ultra-fast fashion.
13 January 2023

In the context of the consideration of the European Parliament’s draft report on the EU Strategy for sustainable and circular textiles, the FTAO and 6 other civil society organisations put together a list of 12 actions that are needed for the Textile Strategy to deliver on its promise to make sustainable – both environmentally as well as socially – textile products the norm.

We call on MEPs to take action on:

  1. Developing ambitious and holistic ecodesign requirements
  2. Tackling global overproduction
  3. Ensuring a Just Transition
  4. Ensuring fairer purchasing practices
  5. Enabling the transparency of supply chains
  6. Implementing due diligence accountability
  7. Taking action on ultra-fast fashion
  8. Putting green and social washing to an end
  9. Implementing EU trade policy that rewards sustainability
  10. Maximising local re-use of textiles
  11. Phasing out hazardous chemicals in textiles
  12. Ensuring sustainable textile production in Europe

Read the full joint paper for more information.

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