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Public Policies on Fair Trade

Public Policies on Fair Trade
Public policies on Fair Trade have a lot of potential to enhance the uptake of Fair Trade. There is currently no systematically consolidated information on supportive Fair Trade public policies. Aiming to bridge this gap, the following study makes the first step towards a comprehensive overview of current and past public policies on Fair Trade and related policy fields.
8 December 2021

This study makes the first step towards a comprehensive overview of current and past public policies on Fair Trade and related policy fields, commissioned by the Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) and Fairtrade International. The study builds on work previously commissioned by FTAO and the Fairtrade Producer Network in the Latin American and Caribbean region (CLAC) on best practices in Fair Trade Public Policies in 2015, and a follow-up report in 2017.

The study analyses how public policies on Fair Trade can enable access to markets for Fair Trade producers, support Fair Trade enterprises and enhance recognition of Fair Trade principles and networks by governments. The report classifies four types of public policies on Fair Trade and related policy fields, and includes six case studies: from Brazil, Belgium, Ecuador, the European Union, France and Italy. It also includes snapshots on Tanzania and Sri Lanka – two emerging cases from Africa and Asia that show potential for further development. By presenting the variety of public policies that can enhance Fair Trade and sharing the diverse experiences in different countries the study aims to motivate and inspire Fair Trade movements worldwide to take action and advocate for public policies on Fair Trade in their own countries.

The study concludes that there are many different public policy instruments to achieve support for Fair Trade, such as laws, non-binding resolutions, national action plans, strategies, initiatives, etc. The case studies give ideas and inspiration on the steps to take and the institutions and actors to approach to achieve more support for Fair Trade at policy level.

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