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International Fair Trade Charter

International Fair Trade Charter
The International Fair Trade Charter: How the Global Fair Trade Movement works to transform trade in order to achieve justice, equity and sustainability for people and planet
10 June 2018

In 2018, more than 250 organisations around the world united to answer this question. The Charter was its result: it represents a joint effort by global Fair Trade organisations to reaffirm the core principles and values of Fair Trade and to set a common vision for its future. The Charter aims to provide a unified framework and direction for the Fair Trade movement worldwide and define a common vision towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Business as usual is not delivering the change needed to meet the SDGs, adopted by the world’s nations on 25 September 2015. The International Fair Trade Charter aims to be a roadmap for change: it sets out a different vision, a world in which justice, equity, and sustainable development are at the heart of trade structures, business models, production and consumption patterns and practices so that social and environmental sustainability are incorporated by design. 

In essence, Fair Trade seeks to foster opportunities for small producers while implementing environmental policies in the business, with a great focus on transparency, accountability, and fair trading practices. Additionally, Fair Trade initiatives advocate for awareness and change through ethical consumption and policy influence. By embracing the principles outlined in the International Fair Trade Charter, organisations and individuals unite in a common pursuit of more just and sustainable production patterns and a global trading system that contributes to achieving the SDGs and addressing pressing social and environmental challenges.

By signing the International Fair Trade Charter, organisations and individuals demonstrate their commitment to these shared principles and collaborate towards creating a more just and sustainable global trading system. 

A list of organisations that have already given their support to the Charter can be found here.

If you would like to support the International Fair Trade Charter, email us at


  • “UNCTAD and the Fair Trade movement were both born on the basis of the -Trade Not Aid- motto. Yet more than 60 years after, there is still a long way to go before all trade relations and supply chains are fair. I congratulate the Fair Trade movement for the adoption of the International Fair Trade Charter and look forward to working together to achieve UNCTAD´s and the Fair Trade movement common goals”.  Isabelle Durant. Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

  • “The Fair Trade movement has set a model that others should seek inspiration from. All best wishes with the important International Fair Trade Charter, an excellent initiative.” Prof. Olivier De Schutter. Co-Chair, International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food). Member of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

  • "Fair Trade Enterprises are pioneers - offering a radical, bold, achievable way of doing business that gives power to workers, producers and communities. From worker owned businesses like Creative Handicrafts to models like El Puente that ensure all stakeholders have a real voice on the board, they showcase an alternative and exciting business future can exist - and thrive." Winnie Byanyima. Executive Director, Oxfam International

  • “We don’t need a trade war, we need trade peace and justice. I wholeheartedly support the International Fair Trade Charter.” Ed Mayo, Secretary General, Co-operatives UK

  • “As an elected Member of the European Parliament from, Yorkshire, the UK's first Fairtrade region, I welcome the timely launch of the International Fair Trade Charter, on the occasion of the third anniversary of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals. The European Union has made notable progresses in the support to Fair Trade initiatives, such as setting up a European Fair Trade Capital Award, mainstreaming Fair Trade in the EU Aid for Trade strategy and upgrading the own Fair Trade procurement of EU Institutions. I hope this Charter will inspire other public bodies in Europe and globally in taking up pro-active strategies in support of Fair Trade in the implementation of Agenda 2030”. Linda McAvan. Chair of the European Parliament´s Development Committee and cross-party, Fair Trade Working Group

  • “We are delighted to welcome the International Fair Trade Charter.  Co-op is committed in looking beyond product certification and support consistency in Fair Trade principles, values and most importantly implementation. At Co-op we believe in Fair Trade. It lies at the heart of what we do and we are proud to put our weight behind addressing the economic challenges communities around the world are facing.” Michael Fletcher. Retail Chief Commercial Officer, Co-operative Group Limited
  • “The principles of local, seasonal and Fair Trade are essential conditions for fair and sustainable consumption and production, all of which we as CIDSE stand for. I welcome this Charter as it affirms these principles and brings us one step further in the transition towards an economy of solidarity and dignity.” Josianne Gauthier, Secretary General, CIDSE

  • “As Chair of the European Parliament´s International Trade Committee, I would like to congratulate the Fair Trade movement for the global launch of the International Fair Trade Charter. This International reference point for what Fair Trade is about will be very helpful in our continued efforts to put Fair Trade and the values behind Fair Trade on the EU and global trade agenda." Bernd Lange, Chair of the European Parliament's International Trade Committee

  • “The globalised industrialised system of production of food, fibre and clothing has brought the Earth's ecosystems to the brink, is driving both climate change and the sixth mass extinction, including the extinction of small farmers, artisans, fairness and justice. An unfair, non sustainable system of production and distribution which is extracting 99% of the value for 1% must impoverish the earth and producers, and push the planet and people's lives to collapse. Unfair trade is a luxury of the 1% that nature and society can no longer bear. Fair Trade based on  regeneration of the earth, and creation of ecologically sustainable and socially just systems of production is now a survival imperative for humanity and all species on earth.” Dr. Vandana Shiva. Indian Activist

  • "The Fair Trade philosophy is very important because it is fighting towards one of the most urgent challenges in the global agenda: inequality in the food system. Slow Food is beside the Fair Trade movement and all the farmers that are working for the recognition of their rights in the global market. The Charter is another important political step to reach this common goal." ​Carlo Petrini. President, Slow Food International 
  • “Fair Trade combats poverty, promotes equality and creates inclusive growth. It is an alternative to the short-term profit maximization model of mainstream businesses. The new Fair Trade Charter from Fairtrade International and the World Fair Trade Organization is a practical starting point for the theoretical principles of the SDGs.” Mr. Mogens Lykketoft. President of the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly

  • “Fair Trade is about creating opportunities for people - all people. We are grateful to the Fair Trade Movement for launching the International Fair Trade Charter. Working with you makes us confident of the future.” Harald Wiedenhofer. General Secretary, European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions