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Trade Fair, Live Fair

Trade Fair, Live Fair
“Trade Fair, Live Fair” addressed the continuing and endemic poverty among many producers and workers in the Global South, caused by the imbalances of power in supply chains.

The project brought together the Fair Trade and Ethical Fashion movements across Europe to join forces in fostering more resilient livelihoods for the producers and workers behind many of the products consumed by European citizens. This action was built on the central insight, derived from the consortium members' extensive research and experience, that the persistent and endemic poverty faced by many producers and workers in developing countries is a direct result of imbalances of power within supply chains.

The project increased Europeans’ awareness of working and living conditions in the Global South and the positive role of critical consumption. “Trade Fair, Live Fair” engaged people to inspire change in public policies and business sector practices that contribute to SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production), and related SDGs.

  • Donor: European Commission, Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme (DEAR).
  • Project implementation: 2017-2020.