

All Workstreams

Competition Policy

Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

Deforestation-free supply chains

Fair and Sustainable Textiles

Global Green Deal

Sustainable Agri-food Systems

Sustainable Cocoa

Sustainable Public Procurement

Trade Policy, Trade-related measures and Trade Agreements

Unfair Trading Practices in the Agri-food Supply Chain

Omnibus Package risks livelihoods of millions of smallholders worldwide
press release

Omnibus Package risks livelihoods of millions of smallholders worldwide

New EU Vision for Agriculture and Food overlooks market justice and non-EU farmers’ rights
press release

New EU Vision for Agriculture and Food overlooks market justice and non-EU farmers’ rights

The FTAO calls on the AGRI Committee to build on the highest existing standards to strengthen the position of farmers in the agri-food supply chain
press release

The FTAO calls on the AGRI Committee to build on the highest existing standards to strengthen the position of farmers in the agri-food supply chain

Civil society organisations call for public procurement reform to achieve sustainable development goals
press release

Civil society organisations call for public procurement reform to achieve sustainable development goals

Joint statement: Omnibus proposal will create costly confusion and lower protection for people and the planet
press release

Joint statement: Omnibus proposal will create costly confusion and lower protection for people and the planet

New EU Regulation on deforestation-free products: the good and the bad
press release

New EU Regulation on deforestation-free products: the good and the bad

FTAO welcomes the European Commission's proposal to complement UTP Directive but regrets lack of support for non-EU suppliers
press release

FTAO welcomes the European Commission's proposal to complement UTP Directive but regrets lack of support for non-EU suppliers

The FTAO welcomes the European Commission’s efforts to strengthening the position of farmers in the agri-food supply chain and calls on co-legislators to build on the highest existing standards to deliver
press release

The FTAO welcomes the European Commission’s efforts to strengthening the position of farmers in the agri-food supply chain and calls on co-legislators to build on the highest existing standards to deliver

Multistakeholder statement: Smart implementation of EU sustainability reporting standards
press release

Multistakeholder statement: Smart implementation of EU sustainability reporting standards

The FTAO expresses its deep concern about the EU-Mercosur partnership agreement and its adverse consequences for people and the planet
press release

The FTAO expresses its deep concern about the EU-Mercosur partnership agreement and its adverse consequences for people and the planet

No more toxic trade deals between the EU and Latin American countries
press release

No more toxic trade deals between the EU and Latin American countries

FTAO calls on the European Commission and the Council to strongly oppose amendments to the EUDR and work towards a compromise based on the original legislative text
press release

FTAO calls on the European Commission and the Council to strongly oppose amendments to the EUDR and work towards a compromise based on the original legislative text

FTAO welcomes two new board members
press release

FTAO welcomes two new board members

Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive key to tackle human rights and envornmental impacts but support for implementation is needed
press release

Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive key to tackle human rights and envornmental impacts but support for implementation is needed

Joint Statement: Call on EU governments to support the EU’s Regulation to prohibit forced labour products
press release

Joint Statement: Call on EU governments to support the EU’s Regulation to prohibit forced labour products

Europe’s green transition shall go global to be just and fair to all
press release

Europe’s green transition shall go global to be just and fair to all

Joint statement: The EU Forced Labour Ban requires clear and effective remediation measures
press release

Joint statement: The EU Forced Labour Ban requires clear and effective remediation measures

A just transition for all: Why the European Green Deal needs to go Global?
press release

A just transition for all: Why the European Green Deal needs to go Global?

Framework of Cooperation between Sri Lanka Export Development Board and International Fair Trade Networks
press release

Framework of Cooperation between Sri Lanka Export Development Board and International Fair Trade Networks

EU makes Due Diligence mandatory: It is now time to make it meaningful
press release

EU makes Due Diligence mandatory: It is now time to make it meaningful

More than 240,000 European citizens demand a Living Wage for the people who make our clothes around the world
press release

More than 240,000 European citizens demand a Living Wage for the people who make our clothes around the world

Ecodesign Rules for Sustainable Products: European Parliament misses key chance to increase transparency on labour rights
press release

Ecodesign Rules for Sustainable Products: European Parliament misses key chance to increase transparency on labour rights

EU-LAC: Partners of choice for mutually beneficial sustainability goals
press release

EU-LAC: Partners of choice for mutually beneficial sustainability goals

The Fair Trade movement presents its views on the need for a truly Global Green Deal
press release

The Fair Trade movement presents its views on the need for a truly Global Green Deal

European Parliament vote on the CSDDD: Significant improvements for the rights of smallholder farmers
press release

European Parliament vote on the CSDDD: Significant improvements for the rights of smallholder farmers

European Parliament calls the Commission to fix unfair trading practices in the textile sector
press release

European Parliament calls the Commission to fix unfair trading practices in the textile sector

Vote in JURI Committee: An important step for the CSDDD to improve the livelihoods of smallholders
press release

Vote in JURI Committee: An important step for the CSDDD to improve the livelihoods of smallholders

International School Meals Day: A ‘Whole School Food Approach’ is needed!
press release

International School Meals Day: A ‘Whole School Food Approach’ is needed!

African and Asian farmers at the European Parliament: Only better incomes can drive sustainable value chains
press release

African and Asian farmers at the European Parliament: Only better incomes can drive sustainable value chains

Council position takes a step back in making due diligence work for smallholder farmers and workers
press release

Council position takes a step back in making due diligence work for smallholder farmers and workers