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Localising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Fair Trade –toolkit

Localising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Fair Trade –toolkit
Through this toolkit, the Fair Trade movement aims to provide Local Authorities with recommendations on how they can contribute to this ambition by partnering up with the Fair Trade movement.
7 October 2016

While all SDGs are, to some extent, related to Fair Trade, Fair Trade is particularly relevant to the goal on sustainable consumption and production and how this goal can serve to achieve eight other SDGs, from poverty eradication to gender equality.

The toolkit provides guidance and best practices across different policy areas at the local level, such as public procurement, local economic development, international cooperation, awareness raising, and multi-stakeholder engagement. It provides examples across countries and continents and is meant to serve as a companion for local officials working on the implementation of the SDGs at local level.

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